Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chocolate Chip Sugar Cookie Bars

I was so disappointed when my sugar cookie bars were gone. I just couldn't get them out of my head. They were that good. So, I made more. Quite honestly, I really just wanted to eat the cookie batter. I know, I know. Raw eggs, blah blah blah. I don't care. It hasn't killed me yet. And if I die from cookie dough, I will die a happy death and it will have been worth it.

Okay, back to cookies. I wasn't really feeling up to making frosting. Especially because I just wanted to eat the dough. So I decided to just sprinkle some chocolate chips on top and call it a day. I used the exact same recipe as last time and just added chocolate chips. The dough was amazing. The cookies weren't bad either. I had to suck it up and bake them though, because otherwise, I seriously could have eaten the entire bowl of dough. I know, some of you find that disgusting, and well, that is just un-American. :)

1 comment:

Laura said...

OK this cracked me up. Now I am off to check out the recipe. And FWIW I agree about cookie dough.